Are you ready to start creating the life you truly want?

Here are the 1:1 coaching services currently on offer!

Delivered one to one and tailored individually for each client. LS Mind Coach programmes will guide you to achieve personal transformation into the best version of yourself.

From Survive to Thrive - £225

3 session powerful change programme.

Great programme for if there are 1 or 2 specific areas in which you want to experience lasting change.

You will receive 1 face to face emotional transition session & 2 mind coaching sessions.

“ My mission in life is not just to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour and some style. “

– Maya Angelou

From Inspiration to Action - £895

12 session growth change programme.

Perfect for if you want to make positive change in a number of areas of your life.

You will receive 4 face to face emotional transition sessions & 8 mind coaching sessions.

“ The only impossible journey is the one you never begin. “

– Tony Robbins

From Believe to Achieve - £1495

24 session life & mind transformation programme.

For if you are unsure why you are struggling and want to experience a complete transformation of your life and mind.
Also, ideal for dealing with more complex issues such as PTSD, alcohol or drug use, trauma or abuse.

You will receive 6 face to face emotional transition sessions & 18 mind coaching sessions.

“ Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. “

– Napoleon Hill

The Sky is the Limit - £120 pm

Continuous Coaching and Mentoring support for consistent accountability and progress.

Great to follow on from one of our change coaching programmes to keep you on track.

You will receive 1 mind coaching session per week on an ongoing basis.

“ We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. “

– Albert Einstein

All of the coaching programmes include email support for any questions or additional guidance throughout the duration of your programme plus optional access to a private, safe, email community where you are invited to share inspiration, support and advice.

Book your FREE discovery call now!

If you know you are ready to improve your life and mind, what are you waiting for? Book your free discovery call. It is a no obligation informal chat just for me to learn a little about you and your situation and for you to discover how I can help!

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