Are you ready to start creating the life you truly want?

Here's what people are saying!

“I recently had 2 coaching sessions with Louise as I was struggling with anxiety, low mood and lack of motivation. Now on what should be week 2 of couch to 5K I have just finished week 4 and loving it. I also haven’t randomly cried for 2 weeks, definitely had a change of mindset and approach, I think my coach has a success story.

I honestly feel like a different person, far more resilient and thank god far less emotional.”

–  Joanne, Wakefield

“My fear of driving in the US affected my every day experiences. I would be anxious, the fear would take over and I wouldn’t end up driving.

After my coaching sessions with Louise, driving was so different, I implemented the strategies Louise taught me and I wasn’t anxious, I was slightly nervous but not on the scale I was before. The fear, the negative thoughts and the anxiety just seemed to disappear each time I got into the car. I honestly cannot believe the difference. I am super proud of myself and am very grateful to Louise”

–  Adele, Bradford & Florida

“I always like to be organised, but it got to a point where this was too much and it had become negative, causing me stress and anxiety. Louise worked her magic with me and I feel completely transformed! I still love being organised but am able to do this when I feel I want to, and no longer feel anxious when something is out of place. I am so much calmer and it has made our home life with my children much more relaxed. I would recommend Louise to anybody. She is so professional and understanding, and solves the problem!”

–  Ellie, Pontefract

“Louise was very approachable, listened intently and was very patient with me, she totally put me at ease and helped me understand a lot why I was feeling the way I was, I would highly recommend Louise. ”

–  Rachael, Leeds

“Presenting is a big part of my job and I had a genuine fear of presenting to large audiences. I know this was holding me back in my career. Louise used various hypnosis techniques to help identify the root cause of my fears and help me overcome them. I couldn’t believe it when I had to present to a room of 100 people. I still felt nervous but it was a different kind of nerves. I didn’t have the underlying fear or racing heartbeat I would normally get and I felt so much more confident and relaxed. The feedback I got from colleagues was amazing. 
I would definitely recommend Louise to help build your confidence and overcome fears!”
– Helen, Leeds

Discover the services on offer to help you on your journey to enjoying the happiness, fulfilment and success you are dreaming of!

Book your FREE discovery call now!

If you know you are ready to improve your life and mind, what are you waiting for? Book your free discovery call. It is a no obligation informal chat just for me to learn a little about you and your situation and for you to discover how I can help!